Duo Escorts Lenna & Elvira

Lenna & Elvira are not only wonderful escort models, they are truly stunning in those private, intimate moments together, incredibly pretty, with a dream figure they provoke the most heated arousal in the gentleman of calibre with their seductive glamour. A soft and silky skin that just years to be caressed, soft, inviting lips that love to be kissed, an imaginative and passionate romantic companion, your every personal need will be attended to by the lovely girls in a way that will linger in your memory forever. Loving to please, the duo will be happy to help you explore your deepest desires, they are also a gifted seductress themselves, equally happy to take the initiative and let you enter a world of perfect personal pleasure with their truly magical intimate skills.

The heat of excitement, the thrill of the togetherness, the joy of their undraped beauty, these are experiences that come only rarely, as marvellous as the moments of heated romantic adventures are, trust us, nothing will prepare you for the quite incredible ecstasy of the explosive release of all the thrilling tension that they builds in you. Lovers par excellence, with the lithe figure of a goddesses, the curves of an angel and the imagination of a devil, there is something so magical about the perfect duo escorts that your time together will be an experience of the heights of pleasure that you would not have thought possible!

Outcall Service & Rates

Outcall Locations

West Midlands County

Worcestershire County

Warwickshire County

Staffordshire County

Shropshire County

Herefordshire County

East Midlands Region


First Hour


Extra Hour


90 Minutes


Dinner Date




Couple Service


Erotic Massage


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