Duo Escorts Ruby & Daniella

Their looks, especially their eyes in particular really pull up the reputation of their names. On your first meeting, you will undoubtedly feel like you have come across angels. And it’s not just limited to their seductive eyes. Their entire body is also inch perfect. If you have a liking for brunette slim girls, then these escorts are perfect for your needs and desires. Even by the standards of young playful escorts, they have bodies that would even make the Gods jealous.

However, it is not just their perfect bodies that make men go mad about them. Their seductive skills are also a class apart as well. Every move they make on you will drive your pleasure to sky high limits. They know exactly what each client wants and how to deal with them. There is not a single demand they will say no to because it gives them immense pleasure to be on the receiving end of their client as well. So let go of all your inner instincts and have as much fun as you can. Being a Professional Escort in the west Midlands, they are also well educated and are suitable for being taken out on outings, business parties, official gatherings, meetings and so on. They know very well what sort of behaviour is expected of them. As such, they are worthy accomplices. Not to mention, they will be there to please you and keep you up all night as well.

Outcall Service & Rates

Outcall Locations

West Midlands County

Worcestershire County

Warwickshire County

Staffordshire County

Shropshire County

Herefordshire County

East Midlands Region


First Hour


Extra Hour


90 Minutes


Dinner Date




Couple Service


Erotic Massage


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